In December 2014, Ceresensa Inc. introduced the first Transparent-PET/MRI, 32 Channels RF Resonator for Simultaneous Head Imaging at 3T. The 32 channels phased array coil is compatible with Siemens Biograph mMR.
The Coil
Model: KMV1
The 32 channel head resonator is capable of operating with MR performance comparable to the conventional (MR only) resonators and is as transparent as possible to the 511keV of the Biograph mMR.
- 32 independent channels PET compatible.
- Designed for simultaneous PET/MRI acquisitions.
- PET acquisitions using KMV1 operates in either modes:
- Without μ-map , resulting in less than 1% attenuation of gamma.
- With μ-map , achieving a near zero gamma attenuation.
- MRI acquisitions using KMV1 offers two modes of operation:
- Semi-acquisition, individual Anterior/Posterior.
- Full-acquisition, both Anterior/Posterior.
- Optimized for parallel acquisitions with 2 to 3 acceleration factors in X, Y and Z.
- Supports EPI BOLD sequences and MPRAG.
- SNR equivalent to commercial MRI only 32 channel coils.
- Compatible for EEG and fMRI eye-tracking systems.
- Covers up to the 95 percentile of human brain.
- Easy workflow.
- Conformal design fits the brain.
- Comes with PET compatible accessories.
- μ-maps are provided for each coil.

Example of acquisitions using KMV1; T1-weighted MP-RAGE (left), fused FDG-PET/MRI (centre) and FDG-PET (right) (Courtesy of Dr. Theberge, Lawson Research Institute, London, ON, Software version VB20P)

ISO 1 mm, MPRAG ipat-2, SAG (Courtesy of Prof. Larry Wald, MGH, Boston, MA)

ISO 1 mm, MPRAG ipat-2, SAG
(Courtesy of Prof. Larry Wald, MGH, Boston, MA)
ISO 3mm, EPI 2d bold, TR=8.82ms, TE=30ms, ipat2
(Courtesy of Prof. Larry Wald, MGH, Boston, MA)

(Courtesy of Prof. Feroze Mohamed, Jefferson Integrated Magnetic Resonance Center, Philadelphia, PA , Software version VE11P)